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Cale & Jenn

Thank you for taking the time to explore our profile. We are honored you are considering us in what must feel like an impossible decision. As parents of one, we have learned a lot about the joys and challenges of parenthood; and we hope that you see our family and our home as an environment that will unconditionally love and support your child in every single way they deserve.

About Us

Financial Services
Pediatric Plastic Surgeon
Master of Business Administration
Doctor of Medicine
Legally Married

Our Son, Cyrus

Our Happy Family

We have a 5-year-old son named Cyrus. He's funny, outgoing and VERY excited about becoming a big brother. So much so, that he's been pretending that his stuffed animals are his younger siblings. He's even started a pile of toys that he plans to give to the new baby when they arrive.

We strongly believe that a sibling relationship can be good for both him and the new baby as they grow. While every sibling relationship is unique, they also provide endless opportunities for love, entertainment, trust, and protection. Our ultimate hope is that they will build a relationship that continues into adulthood. This is a key reason why we want to adopt. We've both had experiences in the last several years that have shown us the benefits of sibling relationships. For Jenn, it was the loss of her mother, and the support she felt going through it together with her brother. For Cale, it's the larger family get togethers, where more cousins and more in-laws makes everything more lively.

Our Favorite Vacation Spot

Lounging at the Lake House

Our favorite place in the world is our lake house. It's located one hour from Chicago, and we absolutely love it. During the day, we swim off the dock and play games on the lawn. At night, we make campfires, roast marshmallows, and catch fireflies. Most dinners are cooked on the grill and eaten outside, while watching the colors over the water change from the sunset. It's an especially great place to go with our friends and their kids because of all the fun things everyone can do together, like boat rides, freeze tag and remote-controlled everything (cars and boats!). But we also cherish the quiet moments too - like a cup of coffee by the water before everyone's awake, or a kayak ride in the evening when the water's calm and the families of ducks, geese, and beavers are all out.

Tubing at the Lake

We love it so much that we go there year-round. The fall is fun for watching the leaves change on the trees along the water, and for visiting pumpkin patches at the farms nearby. Wintertime is quiet and especially beautiful when there's snow. And we don't mind the cold so much when we can go skating on the ice - or even ice fishing.

All in all, it's a great setting for a family to make lifelong memories together!

Our Professional Lives

Both of us are working professionals with graduate degrees. We are blessed to have careers that allow us to provide all we could ever want as a family.

Jenn is a pediatric plastic surgeon at the largest children's hospital in Chicago. It is a highly demanding job, but she loves it. She takes care of kids who were either in an accident or born with a congenital anomaly. Sometimes, she works with kids who require multiple surgeries over the course of several years. At home, it's always great to have a doctor in the house – because nobody is better at treating scrapes and applying band aids than Doctor Mommy Boo Boo.

Cale works in finance at a company that focuses on consumer lending. He works from home, which makes it easy for him to get Cyrus ready in the morning, dropped off at daycare, and picked up at the end of the day. Aside from seeing Cale type on his computer and do "business calls," neither Cyrus nor Jenn can describe much more of what Cale really does!


Touring a Vineyard
Touring a Vineyard
Kayaking at Sunset
Kayaking at Sunset
Books & Forts
Books & Forts
Jenn Loves Pottery
Jenn Loves Pottery
Vacation in Southern France
Vacation in Southern France
Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween!
Crossing the Delaware
Crossing the Delaware
Family Roadtrip
Family Roadtrip
We Love Family Ski Trips
We Love Family Ski Trips
Summer at the Lake
Summer at the Lake
Couch Cuddles
Couch Cuddles
Boating at the Lake
Boating at the Lake
1 / 12
Touring a Vineyard
Touring a Vineyard
2 / 12
Kayaking at Sunset
Kayaking at Sunset
3 / 12
Books & Forts
Books & Forts
4 / 12
Jenn Loves Pottery
Jenn Loves Pottery
5 / 12
Vacation in Southern France
Vacation in Southern France
6 / 12
Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween!
7 / 12
Crossing the Delaware
Crossing the Delaware
8 / 12
Family Roadtrip
Family Roadtrip
9 / 12
We Love Family Ski Trips
We Love Family Ski Trips
10 / 12
Summer at the Lake
Summer at the Lake
11 / 12
Couch Cuddles
Couch Cuddles
12 / 12
Boating at the Lake
Boating at the Lake

Our House and Neighborhood

Our Home

We live in Chicago, in a residential neighborhood called Lakeview. Our home is part of a 10-unit townhouse complex. Many of the other townhouses and most of the surrounding neighborhood is occupied by families with kids, which means there's always something fun going on! Favorite activities include sidewalk chalk "hop-stacle courses" (hopscotch meets obstacle course), backyard movie nights, and the annual summer block party – featuring live music, games for kids, and appearances by both an ice cream truck and a fire truck!

Because we live in a residential neighborhood of Chicago, there are lots of parks, playgrounds, schools, and shops, all within walking distance. And whenever we get tired of those, there's an endless supply of more in the neighborhoods that surround. Some of our favorites include the parks along Lake Michigan (great for afternoon picnics) and the Lincoln Park Zoo (especially during the holidays, i.e. "Zoo Lights"). We are especially proud of and thankful for all that the city of Chicago has to offer - from some of the best-ranked schools in the country to the many cultural-themed street festivals.

Our Extended Families

With Mimi & Bobba

Our extended families are spread out, but we find ways to stay connected. The grandparents love to come and visit and spoil their grandchild in Chicago - so just imagine how they'll feel once there are two!

The Fun Bus With Pop Pop

Cale's parents like to come and stay out at the lake house, often for weeks at a time. Cyrus especially loves the opportunity to spend a weekend or two alone with "Mimi and Bobba," since that usually means special breakfasts, extra sweets, and a later bedtime. Jenn's dad, aka "Pop Pop," always brings the fun every time he visits. He loves playing hide-and-seek with Cyrus and taking him out for ice cream; and, best of all, Pop Pop never fails to bring a new toy every time he visits!

In addition to the grandparents, both of us have siblings with kids, so there are always lots of cousins to play with and keep up with whenever holidays and birthdays come around. Lake house family retreats have started to become a tradition, and we look forward to keeping that alive!

From Us to You

Thank you for taking the time to learn more about us. You face a difficult decision, and we support you - whatever decision you make. One thing we share with you already - even without having met - is a hope that your baby will be loved and nurtured in every way he or she deserves. We are honored that you are considering us for that role, and we hope that you find peace of mind as you learn more about us and the dreams we have for your child.

First, we are open to being open, from day one and beyond. If you would like to meet at any point, we welcome that! If you would like to stay involved, we support that! If you would like to be kept informed, we can do that! To whatever degree you would like, we will share with you your child's growth and experiences through photos, letters, emails, and visits.

Second, when it comes to speaking to your child about adoption, we will always be open and honest. We will make sure that they always know how much you love them and how hard the decision was for you. You will always be spoken of in only positive ways.

Third, as we raise this child, we will do everything in our power to help them develop into a respectful, caring, and productive individual. We will teach them to work hard, accept responsibility, forgive, and help others in need. We will also encourage them to explore their interests through education and social activities. At the end of the day, we want them to be happy and to find a community and activities that inspire and challenge them to be their best self.

Over the past several years, we have learned a lot about what it takes to raise a child. Love is a given; patience is a must; and resources can really matter. We are blessed to have careers that combined provide us ample resources to raise a family. From daycares to after-school programs to youth camps to tutoring, we can offer a stable and nurturing environment that would allow any child to thrive. We believe that our role is to provide our children with a path to succeed, while still requiring that they work hard and earn it for themselves. For them to feel fulfilled and a sense of accomplishment, they need to experience sacrifice and adversity; and we believe it's important for us to allow for that as well.

In closing, we want to thank you again. Thank you for considering the future of this child so selflessly. If your experience with pregnancy is anything like ours was, you may be feeling isolated and overwhelmed. But please know that you are not alone through this process. We are here to help you however we can. We are so looking forward to expanding our family, and we admire your courage and strength.

Cale & Jenn


Vince Vaughn
Tom Hanks
Rebel Wilson
Julia Roberts
Michael Lewis
Michael Connolly
The Martian
Harry Potter series
Candy Bar
100 Grand
Childhood Memory
RV trips
Ski trips
Childhood Toy
Micro Machines
Children's Book
The Polar Express
Dear Zoo
Classic Movie
Dumb and Dumber
Empire Records
Day of Week
Maple cream pie
Red velvet cake
Disney Movie
Dream Car
Jeep convertible
Dream Job
Travel photographer
Food critic
Dream Vacation
Bike trip in the Alps
New Zealand
Family Activity
Thursday night pizza night
Thursday night pizza night
Flower / Plant
French fries
Form of Exercise
Work out classes
Home improvement
Holiday Song
White Christmas
I want a Hippopotamus for Christmas
Holiday Tradition
Watching Polar Express
Driving around finding Christmas lights
Ice Cream
Cookies and cream
Junk Food
Frozen pizza
Leisure Activity
Crossword puzzles
The Economist
Travel + Leisure
Memory with a Child
RV trips
Trick or treating
Memory with Spouse
Hiking in South Africa
Hiking in South Africa
Ex Machina
Forrest Gump
Movie Munchie
Sour patch kids
Popcorn with butter
Movie Quote
It's not a tumor!
I'm not a smart man, but I know what love is.
Movie Type
Tyler Childers
Musical Group
Nursery Rhyme
My Little Buckaroo
5 little speckled frogs
Olympic Event
Speed skating
Personal Hero
Greta Thunberg
Taylor Swift
Mitch Hedberg
Shel Silverstein
Quality about my Spouse
Sense of humor
We all have two lives. And the second one starts when you realize you only have one. -Confucious
In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life; it goes on. -Robert Frost
Any pizzeria
Anything French
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. -Philippians 4:13
Do not judge, or you too will be judged. -Matthew 7:1
Shopping Store
Home Goods
I Know You Rider
Standing on the Moon
Sport to Play
Sport to Watch
Sports Star
Eli Manning
Jason Kelce
Sports Team
New York Giants
Philadelphia Eagles
Subject in School
Thing to Cook
Frozen pizza
Italian family recipes
Time of Day
Early morning
Summer weekends at the lake
Summer weekends at the lake
TV Show
Great British Baking Show
TV Show Character
George from Seinfeld
Arya Stark
Type of Music
Vacation Spot
Lake house
Lake house
Video Game
Candy crush

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