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Ed & Sylvia

Adoption is a gift we treasure and something we both are very passionate about! We both dearly love children and our dream has always been to have a large family. We have been married for 10 years and are excited to have someone new and precious join our family. Our son Wyatt can hardly wait to have a sibling! Thank you for reading our profile and considering our family for your baby!

About Us

Stay-at-Home Parent
Professional Training
High School
Legally Married

Adoption in Our Lives

Taking a Walk

Our son Wyatt is the joy and sunshine of our lives! He is 6 and has an affectionate, outgoing personality! He has a great sense of humor and is very smart we are continually amazed at the things he comes up with! There's never a dull moment! He loves babies and toddlers and enjoys when we babysit our nieces and nephews. He is super excited about having a sibling and will make an amazing big brother! He loves all animals from his pets to watching wildlife. He loves going along with his dad hunting and fishing. He has lots of dreams for the future and wants to" drive truck just like Daddy" and be an EMT, police, firefighter and pilot for starters! Whatever he chooses, he will do with his whole heart and be amazing at it!

Our goal is that our child will grow up knowing about his/her adoption from their earliest recollections. With our son, we have a photo of his birth mom in his bedroom, and we often talk about his "tummy mom" as he has chosen to call her. We always respect and honor her part and place in his life. We try to have adoption related discussions often and tell our son he can ask questions any time. We believe in being totally open and honest in our answers and of course age appropriate We celebrate the day of his adoption day and the gift that he is to our family. We would love to be able to send photos and updates to the birth families in our life.

Qualities We Love, Admire and Respect in Each Other

Our Family

Sylvia About Ed - Ed is a wonderful husband and my best friend. He has the most caring, generous heart for me and our family and those around him. I love his positive outlook and sense of humor. He is an amazing Daddy to our son, taking him along with whenever he can and taking time to show and teach him about what they're doing at the moment.

Ed About Sylvia - Sylvia is such a lovely woman to be spending a lifetime with. She is so loving and caring, and is always taking an interest in what is going on in others' lives. She is always doing whatever she cant to help where she can. Another thing I love about her is watching her be a mom to our dear son. She always takes time for his interests and is always there for him.

What It Means to Be Parents

Being parents is a dream we've both always had. Having grown up in large families and our time fostering has given us a very realistic view of what parenting involves. We know children take a lot of time, patience and care, but we long to do that for a child. We also know that they bring so much joy and love to our family. We look forward to watching them grow and develop their own unique personality. We want to teach them the many life lessons our parents taught us and help them become a successful person. We will be there for our children for whatever comes- the good and bad times. They will forever be loved and cherished, no matter what life brings!


Beautiful Sunset on the River
Beautiful Sunset on the River
Dad & Son Shining Up the Semi & Trailer
Dad & Son Shining Up the Semi & Trailer
Wyatt Enjoys Biking
Wyatt Enjoys Biking
Fishing With Dad
Fishing With Dad
Viewing the Eclipse Through the Telescope
Viewing the Eclipse Through the Telescope
Taking a Break on a Spring Afternoon Hike
Taking a Break on a Spring Afternoon Hike
Exploring Winkler, Manitoba
Exploring Winkler, Manitoba
Fun in the Pool
Fun in the Pool
Sylvia's Homemade Cake Pops
Sylvia's Homemade Cake Pops
Picnic Lunch
Picnic Lunch
Wyatt Feeding His Cat, Shadow
Wyatt Feeding His Cat, Shadow
Wyatt & His Best Friend, Winchester
Wyatt & His Best Friend, Winchester
1 / 12
Beautiful Sunset on the River
Beautiful Sunset on the River
2 / 12
Dad & Son Shining Up the Semi & Trailer
Dad & Son Shining Up the Semi & Trailer
3 / 12
Wyatt Enjoys Biking
Wyatt Enjoys Biking
4 / 12
Fishing With Dad
Fishing With Dad
5 / 12
Viewing the Eclipse Through the Telescope
Viewing the Eclipse Through the Telescope
6 / 12
Taking a Break on a Spring Afternoon Hike
Taking a Break on a Spring Afternoon Hike
7 / 12
Exploring Winkler, Manitoba
Exploring Winkler, Manitoba
8 / 12
Fun in the Pool
Fun in the Pool
9 / 12
Sylvia's Homemade Cake Pops
Sylvia's Homemade Cake Pops
10 / 12
Picnic Lunch
Picnic Lunch
11 / 12
Wyatt Feeding His Cat, Shadow
Wyatt Feeding His Cat, Shadow
12 / 12
Wyatt & His Best Friend, Winchester
Wyatt & His Best Friend, Winchester

Our House and Neighborhood

Home Sweet Home

Our home is an adventurous place to live! We live in a very rural area an hour's drive from Louisville, so we have access to the zoo and museums there. We also live very close to a 3,000-acre wildlife reservation/management area which is great for seeing lots of wildlife, hiking, fishing and bow hunting. We have lot of parks nearby to choose from and Wyatt's current favorite is the brand-new Imagination Playground that just opened. It is a paradise for any age of child!

Wyatt Loves This Park!

Another community event that we all enjoy is the annual ballgame the local school has. Anyone can join the game or watch from the sidelines. There's a treasure hunt for the littles and hay rides or some other fun activity. Lots of sweet tea and yummy picnic foods assures that no one goes hungry!

We love the Southern, everyone-knows-everyone-community we live in. Our house is spacious and accommodating for a growing family. We have five bedrooms and three baths. Everyone's favorite room is the kitchen/dining room - flooded with lots of sunshine, it's a wonderful place to prepare and eat our family dinner each night. Then we all work together to clean up before relaxing in the living room.

Our Extended Families

Picnic With Family

We both come from large, close-knit families and are very blest to have many of them living near us. We enjoy getting together often from birthday parties to holiday celebrations or simply an impromptu BBQ or trip to the park. Thanksgiving tends to be a big holiday for Sylvia's side of the family. Her married brothers and their families (one from VA and one from IN) come in town for that. The remaining 7 of her siblings live locally here. We always have the traditional turkey with all the fixings. There are often some new dishes for the more adventurous ones to try! With 11 grandchildren (and counting!), there's plenty of fun stuff for the children to do. Wyatt loves spending time with cousins, and we are excited to have another child join our jolly, lively family.

Sylvia's Extended Family

We usually spend more time with Ed's family over Christmas. With both families close-by, we always have to divvy up our time. We don't mind that at all because we are so grateful for family! Ed's brother, Kevin and his family from Arkansas come to join us and the 8 other siblings at Ed's parent's house. The most favorite family tradition is reading the Christmas story and singing Christmas carols by candlelight. Along with that, we always have a scrumptious finger food meal. Everyone on both sides is so excited and supportive of our adoption plans and look forward to a new bundle to spoil with love, hugs, and kisses!

From Us to You

Hello! Our names are Ed and Sylvia. Thank you for taking time to read our profile and get to know us better. We do not know your circumstances, but we do know that it is out of a heart of immense love that you are considering adoption for your baby's future.

Please know that your child will be coming to a loving stable family. We have been married for 10 wonderful years and we'd be delighted if we get to celebrate our 60th anniversary together like most of our grandparents have! We both grew up with 9 or more siblings and can't imagine life without a family of our own. We both have fond memories of growing up with lots of siblings and want our children to have that blessing too. Both of our families are very close and are there for each other no matter what comes. We enjoy hosting family and friends at our house and look forward to future gatherings that will include your child.

We first met in 2007 when Ed and his family moved from Pennsylvania, where Ed was born and raised, to Kentucky where Sylvia's family lived since 1997. Sylvia was born abroad in Paraguay, South America and that is where she spent her life prior to moving to Kentucky. For quite a few years we attended the same church but didn't pay a lot of attention to each other. Eventually, Ed was attracted to Sylvia and reached out and inquired about a date. This came as quite a surprise for Sylvia but we started going out and before long, she fell hard for him! Its the best thing that ever happened to either of us!

One of the greatest blessing God has given our family is our son Wyatt! He brings so much sunshine to our home! Being his Daddy and Mommy gives us greater joy than we can tell, and we feel so blest that God has given us such an amazing son! We are so excited to add another Blessing to our family and multiply the joy and rewards we've experienced as parents! We look forward to providing your child a loving home and an amazing big brother. We know that a big brother can give a child some one to play with, learn from and look up to and Wyatt can hardly wait to fill that role!

Ed is a owner/operator truck driver with a local family owned trucking company. He loves his job and the company is amazing to work for. He enjoys working on his truck, doing regular upkeep and repairs and tackling the big projects as well- he has repainted it and also totally rebuilt his engine. He is super talented! Wyatt loves nothing more than watching Daddy work on a project or even better riding along in the truck! Sylvia is a stay-at-home mom and wife. She loves to cook whether its making family favorites or trying brand new recipes. Besides normal housework, she raises flowers in the summer to sell at her family's farmers market stand. She also freezes and cans a ton of veggies for the winter use.

We respect and admire your loving consideration of adoption for your child. As you make this important decision of who will raise your child, we want you to know that your child will be loved and treasured in our family. Their happiness and well-being will be our priority. We are happy to send email updates, with pictures and stories of your child's progress and milestones. We would be open to making visit arrangements when the time is right. We will always respect and honor you to your child by our words and actions.

With love and respect,

Ed & Sylvia


Terry Hodges
Karen Kingsbury
Poachers Caught
Angels Walking
Candy Bar
Reese's peanut butter cups
Childhood Memory
Going to goat sales
Going to the zoo
Childhood Toy
Children's Book
Farming with Father
The Little Engine That Could
St. Louis
Day of Week
Eclair cake
Lemon pie
Dream Car
F 250 Power stroke
Dream Job
Driving a truck
Having a coffee shop
Dream Vacation
Elk hunt in Colorado
Going to Hawaii
Family Activity
Flower / Plant
Dogwood tree
Shasta daisy
Orange chicken
Form of Exercise
Fill or bust
Holiday Song
Drummer Boy
Oh, Beautiful Star of Bethlehem
Holiday Tradition
Reading the Christmas story by candlelight
Christmas Eve dinner
Ice Cream
Cookies n Cream
Butter pecan
Junk Food
Gummi bears
Salt n vinegar chips
Leisure Activity
Deer & Deer Hunting
Readers Digest
Memory with a Child
Shooting the first turkey with Wyatt
Taking Wyatt to the Indianapolis Zoo
Memory with Spouse
Going to Estes Park
Going to Pikes Peak
War Room
Movie Munchie
Buttered popcorn
Personal Hero
My dad
Quality about my Spouse
Caring, romantic
If at first you don't succeed, try ,try, again.
"Do not judge the outcome by the present circumstances."
Texas Roadhouse
Longhorn Steakhouse
Prime rib sandwich
Toasted cheese sandwich
They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength
Romans 8;28
Shopping Store
Big Lots
Your Forgiven
Sport to Play
Sport to Watch
Volley ball
Subject in School
Thing to Cook
Cinnamon rolls
Time of Day
Getting home!
Every year we do something fun to celebrate our anniversary
Type of Music
Christian acapella
Christian acapella
Vacation Spot
Rocky Mountain National Park
Myrtle Beach

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